Thank you for collaborations and support in 2015. It has been an eventful year and we look forward to the New Year with you!
This year was very exciting as we reached new levels with our work. We were invited to create a SENSOREE Spa based on our brain visualizing design, NeurotiQ.
We loved the feedback and look forward to developing further.
At University Twente in Holland, Kristin lead research on a new biomedia silicone inflatable. This new design entitled, AWE Goosebumps, will premier in Paris 2016.
It was an honor to present as part of Dutch Technology Week, Connected Health group in Eindhoven, NL. Then, to be invited to present at Instint – media art conference at The Walker in Minnesota. Also, a highlight was to be part of a think tank for women in tech with a member of Obama’s cabinet.
The Mood Sweater continued to tour. Merci to Futurotextiles for the three year traveling exhibit featuring the Mood Sweater that ended with the finale in Paris.
The Mood Sweater graced the runways. Here she is in London with Interlaced.
Finally, the Mood Sweater expanded to become a SENSOREE Gym in Moscow on exhibit with SMIT 60 minutes in tomorrow. Here, players may calibrate their body mind with our new Mood Games. We are excited to share with you!
There is some exciting news for 2016! Please stayed tuned as we prepare to launch the limited edition Mood Sweater!