
SENSOREE announces the Mood Sweater available for pre-order!

Photos by Life in Digital, Gusto Lopez

“My favorite of the SENSOREE experience was the GER MOOD SWEATER which interprets emotions and displays mood instantly as an interactive light display. This is ingenious! Now you know before you approach someone if they are in a bad mood or good mood.” –



Digital Fall – the closing party of the GLAZED Conference, a 3-day Glass and Wearable Tech event including a weekend hackathon put on by Stained Glass Labs/AngelHack and a 1-day conference. – Glazed Conference

On September 30th, Ubergizmo and StainedGlass Labs will host Digital Fall, a Tech Fashion Show that will feature wearable technology demos. Sponsored by Lenovo and produced by Y’Anad Burrell – Glass House Communications, the fashion show will feature the following designers: Manic Designs by Rachel Riot, Roc Rio by Rickie Lee, Christina Morgan Cree and SENSOREE.  – Glazed Conference