It was so nice to meet MOON Berlin and Stretchable Circuits in Berlin! MOON Berlin‘s fine garments glow with sleek and exquisite lights designed by Stretchable Circuits.
On a tour of Moon Berlin’s studio, the fabrics shimmered while fiber optics glimmered. With all the glow, we imagined that they could design and sew in the dark. Christian Bruns, the owner, notes that currently illuminated fashion is sought for special occasions, when one wants to be the center of attention, like perhaps a birthday or celebration. Currently, all designs are custom tailored. Their top seller is the Illuminated Fiber Optic Rose as it is an easy addition to any outfit.
How wearable are these? Can you wash them? Just like any other fine evening ware garment, these designs can be dry cleaned. This is a big step in fashion technology! When asking Stretchable Circuits about washing the circuits, the current problem is the design of the washing machine cycle that receptively lifts and drops garments. This is never good for electronics or fine fabrics for that matter.
SENSOREE first met MOON Berlin on the CES FashionWare show runway in Las Vegas 2012.
Here on the left, is MOON Berlin’s Fiber Optic Necklace and Illuminated Shaped Jacket.
More images of the CES FashionWare Show are on the Flickr set.
Enjoy the after-glow!