SENSOREEs showcased the AWE line at Dutch Design Week as part of:
Will the Future Design Us?
The most innovative tech presentations:
Art, Technology & Fun! During the 16th edition of Dutch Design Week (DDW) in Eindhoven you can see with yourself what the world is about tomorrow. Smart ideas offer new perspectives that look promising.
From 21 to 29 October 2017 the doors will open to the future in a city that lasts nine days of innovation and creative energy. Manifestations is a combination of young Talent, famous artists and innovative technology.
SENSOREE artifacts animate the feeling of awe, the emotionally based goosebumps called frisson with extimacy – externalized intimacy.
This latent sense is measured with a series of biosensors to monitor excitement, breath, and heart rate, then expressed with extimacy – illuminated breathing patterns and the amplified wonder of silicone inflatables. Feel the thrill!
3 Artifacts
AWE Goosebumps – bioresponsive inflatable with kirigami fabric and 3d prints.
AWElectric That gave me goosebumps. Did you feel it too? The AWElectric is a frisson sharing design with 3dprint inflatable fabric.
AWEcstatic maps the wow with futuristic ruching extending of the nervous system.
Kristin Neidlinger Design
Edwin Dertien Robotics
Thank you to Design Lab UTwente, UTwente CreaTe, Design United, and MU Artspace for the support!
The AWE Goosebumps was glad to land in the same planet as our new friend Pen’s Sculpture “Smoker, I Love You.” We hope we go far together into the next galaxy.