Extimacy research is active at University Twente where Kristin Neidlinger of Sensoree is completing her PhD research with teams composed from the departments of eHealth, Robotics, and Human Media Interaction. Thank you to DesignLab UTwente for hosting!


Extimacy is a new form of biofeedback where biosignals are made tangible – visual, auditory, or tactile. In this way one sees how they feel which assists awareness and expression. For these new studies, the Mood Sweater which displays excitement level with a palette of five colors has been made more universal with size, form, and function.

Preliminary studies with the Mood Sweater design explore non-verbal communication, mindfulness training, and team building. We are calling this the Extimacy Experience, where one can practice exercises with Sensoree wearables to achieve the flow – optimal experience, mind body state. Please stay tuned for more emotech + connect!

SENSOREE Moodsweater Extimacy Experience from SENSOREE on Vimeo.

EEleafBelow, a form is available if you have interest to book the designs at your event or ideas. We appreciate feedback and love collaboration. Thanks!