SENSOREE_AWE_Goosebumps_warm3AWE Goosebumps is a bioresponsive animatronic skin that amplifies the feeling of frisson and animates awe. Breathing patterns are illuminated and when awe is detected, silicone inflatables express through the laser cut Kirigami skin. Feel the thrill!

SENSOREE_AWE_Goosebumps_warm5Extimacy – externalized intimacy amplifies awareness and translates our inner most feelings to the external world.SensoreeGoosebump2-e1455576330314SensoreeAweGoosebump3Awe is a mixture of fear and wonder, a heightened emotional state that creates a cascade of hair standing on end. This design explores the emotional aesthetic goosebumps, also called frisson. This thrill often occurs from witnessing vast nature, music that gives a rush of emotion, watching an amazing performance, the feeling of intuition, or even the Ah-ha moment.

SENSOREE AWE Goosebumps from SENSOREE on Vimeo.

In a dialog of art and science, SENSOREE therapeutic biomedia – emotional technology – animates the intense emotions that trigger awe. This latent sense is measured with a series of biosensors – electrodermal activity for excitement, breath, and heart rate variability – and then illuminated and amplified with inflatable wonder. Breathing patterns are animated with a teal inhale to blue exhale pulsing glow. When the thrill of frisson is detected, silicone pockets inflate to initiate the peekaboo interaction to make fabric stand on end like goosebumps and illuminate a pink glowing blush.AWE_Goosebump3web

recent study at UC Berkeley associates good health with the feeling of awe and Goosebumps. That goose-bumpy mix of fear and wonder appears to be particularly good for the body. With the AWE Goosebumps, this feeling can be enhanced and repatterned.



SENSOREE _AWE_Goosebumps_detail_WEB

The human touch of machine gesture.


Kristin Neidlinger – Design Lead
Edwin Dertien – Creative Robotics Lead
Student team from Creative Technology – Fabienne Heijne,  Artur Shkribliak, Szandra Iván
Special thank yous to Andrea Minuto, David Goedicke, Thömãs Beelen, Eugénie Lacombe

Created at University of TWENTE Design Lab, Artist in Residence

Elena Kulikova Photography
Inka Siefker Model